Digital Thursday

I did not get the chance to draw anything last night so Digital Thursday this week shall consist of the 2 pieces I mentioned yesterday and a map that I worked on a few months ago.

Namor: I tried to fix some of the most egregious errors associated with this one. Worked with his right arm tons. This is the 4th version of this piece so far. I am not sure I will revisit it again any time soon. I am lost as to how to fix the other issues that I see in it. Maybe some space away from it will help. Comments and crits are welcome from anyone who wants to take a stab at it.

Apache Chief: Oh, I am quite pleased with this one. If I could draw someone with their head thrown back and chin raised, he would have been getting larger instead of smaller. I am very happy with how the coloring on this one came out. The line work could use a good scrubbing, but I feel that the coloring is pretty much spot on. Inuk-Chuk baby! Inuk Chuck!

The map was for a public involvement meeting in Kentucky about 2 alignments for a new roadway. I consistently rail against clients insisting on using aerial imagery as a backdrop for maps like these. The imagery makes the primary information hard to find. It would be like writing a novel about whale hunting and devoting 4 chapters to the biology of whales. Cumbersome and un-necessary. Just because one has the data or knowledge doesn’t mean that the knowledge and data helps to tell the story.

To recap:
Slept last night instead of drawing
Blame Wifey, she made me go to bed
I need to draw something Star-Wars-y again
Original trilogy and Imperial
I also need to whip something digital up for the Wonder Twins
Shape of a grumpy pterodactyl
Form of a Wedding ice sculpture
There are about 10 of you out there picturing the scene I just scripted
You know who you are
Have a great weekend everyone

Digital Thursday

Okay here we are at the second Digital Thursday. What do I have for you lovelies to look at today. All images are clickable for embiggination.

There is a comic book art forum that I have been frequenting as of late that has different challenges every week. One of the things I am trying to do is to enter these challenges.

First up we have a challenge that called for a robot and a kitten. I was assured it could be a robot and a kitten, a robot kitten, a robot made of kittens, or any combination thereof. I went with an ex-robot and a kitten.
And then I made it into a bad LOLCAT with some "stoopid" text. It is a scanned copy of sharpie on a sketch pad. The text was added in Photoshop.

Second up is a digital challenge wherein the subject of the matter is where an average person takes down something super.

In this instance I made it a member of the 101st Airborne taking down The Red Skull. The image is built from 5 separate images with a few other images used as texture maps and color palettes.

Last up is something I worked up for my freelance portfolio.

This graphic depicts two mock-up cards for a non-existent collectible card game. I figured since I am a published artist in the gaming world now, I should attempt to get more work there. This one is done within Illustrator.

Comments and crits are always welcome.

To recap:
It is wet and yucky here today
I am still rather sleep derived
The ‘Rents will be in for dinner tonight
I hope they have more topics than their financial situation
I still needs me some new bands to look for
I also need an iTunes gift card to snag some downloadable content
Mmmm… downloadable content
The Columbus Crew plays LA Galaxy this weekend
It was supposed to be “The Beckham Game”
That is not the case now
Oh well, it will still be much like a playoff atmosphere
Both teams must win to get to the play-offs
But there is a good chance that neither team will make it
Have a great weekend everyone

Digital Thursday

It is official. Thursday’s from now until I get tired of it (and I mean really really tired of it) will be Digital Thursdays!

Here it comes

Number 1:
Updated Dr Doom stuff. I reworked some stuff on this one. I think the piece is stronger for it as well.
(embigginable with click)

Number 2:
Prince Namor (Pencil and some colored pencils) this one turned out a bit too muddied without any real style to it

Number 3:
So I digitally reworked it. I think it works better I still need to clean some of it up though.

(Embiggin this piece
One click will do it for you
More Namor Goodness)

Number 4:
This is a sharpie drawing of Namor swimming. I stripped him down from the gladiatorial idea I had in the previous pieces. It is an odd pose and I think I almost pulled it off. If I had stylized the drawing more, this could have worked, or if I had tweaked the pose a bit it could have been stronger.(Click for embigginage)

Number 5:
Electric Utilities in the Northwest Ohio US 30 Corridor

(When clicked, will embiggen)

Comments and critiques are quite welcome.
Did this work for folk?

To recap:
Steak for dinner
I am hungry, but I am waiting for the steaking
Mmmm steaking
Allrileyedup: Theoretical Thursdays are all you
One more evening until parental unit touchdown
Geeking it out tomorrow
Don’t ask
It does involve multi-sided dice
And character sheets
And general geekiness
Have a great weekend everyone