Hospital Hospital Jiggity Jig

Asthma is a horrible horrible thing. I am well aware that there are worse things out there, and I hope and pray that my little guy does not have to deal with them, but asthma is still a horrible horrible thing.

Our third trip to the ER due to asthma occurred last night. It is the second trip in as many weeks. Unfortunately there is no way to call up the doctor and get a script for the oral prednazone the little man needs without the trip to the ER. My vacation schedule/ sickday/ PTO bank cannot handle this pressure for very much longer. It looks like I will have to be working over the Thanksgiving Holiday as well as Christmas, New Year's, and Easter.

On a good note, the little one is responding fairly well to treatment, but I cannot wait for the side effects of the prednazone to kick in. It makes him thirsty, hungry, cranky, and not able to sleep. All the best things for dealing with a baby.

All I know right now, is that lack of sleep is impeding my abilities to function as a competent employee.

Sleep perchance to dream

I am so flipping tired. Little man is sick again, and this time it really hampered with the house's sleeping. My wife and I had to time-share the sleeping with the kid in the recliner for most of the night. He was very uncomfortable, and we all felt bad because of this. It is the most excruciatingly horrible thing to see your kid unhappy and sick, especially when there is nothing that you can do to help him feel better.

I just talked to my wife this morning, and it seems he is doing well now. Still going to get him to the Dr today, but at least it does not seem to be as virulent. I hope it passes quickly. I am not sure that I can survive many more nights like this, and I want to .

On another note... oh wait, I got nothing

Election day

I am soooo happy that the end of the political commercials is upon us. I am so tired of hearing how Kerry eats babies and how bush bathes in the blood of innocent children. Will somebody please think about the children?!?!

I hope that this is a presidential election that is decided by more than 5%, otherwise it is going to be contested until December. I also hope that this time the popular vote is congruent with the electoral vote, just so that the results are in-disputable. I also have a hope of who will win, but that is neither here nor there. I just want the damn thing done. I voted this morning, it took an hour and a half, and we got to the polling place only 15 minutes after it openned. Stupid election.

The little one had his 15 month check-up today. It went very well except for the fact that he got 3 shots. He seems to hate those, oddly enough. He is doing well even though he has an inordinate amount of food allergies (please, please, please grow out of most of them).

Luckily he never went to a Kerry rally, I hear he eats babies.