Tricked out

So the Olympics Fever is firmly ensconced at the Casa del SRH. We (Wifey and I) have always liked the whole Olympic time. We understand why the IOC decided to stagger the Winter and Summer games, but really liked it better when those two happened on the same year. The Winter Games tended to get us ready for the Summer Games. Anyway… it is time to see all the sports that ESPN neglects for 4 years.

There are some issues I have with the Olympics though. Firstly, why in God’s name do they always have to make the opening ceremonies full of extravagant avant guard interpretive dance crap.

Why! Good Lord Why!

Why! What the Hell is this!

Why! Oh wait, never mind that’s kind of cool looking! Kind of like a roller derby on steroids.

And the freaky Italian dancer wearing the flesh tone body suit with the faux blood vessels running to the the silver “Heart” on his chest. And the weird ass Mohawk too. What in God’s Name was that crap about?

The second Issue I have with the Olympics is the announcers. I swear that one of the people doing the commentary on figure skating really doesn’t like to watch people skate, especially if those people are not Caucasian and skate to swing music. What an ass.

And the guys commenting on snowboarding I swear just make up the name of the tricks competitors do on their half-pipe runs.

“I can’t believe the Flying Finn is going to attempt the Twinky Jib-Jab Rodeo Double 90, it hasn’t been done in international competition since the woman from Greece was killed by an errant Snowboard clamp in the 2003 World Cup.”

“I know, Ted, but the Finnish team is really reaching for this one…”

To Recap:
What is your favorite snowboard trick name?
If you don’t have one, make it up
Mine is the Frontal Twinky Jib-Jab Rodeo Double 90 Half-Fakey. If you can hit the landing on that bad boy, you are getting gold, my friend
Downstairs closet is clean
Little Man might be reacting to tomatoes right now, mainly due to the insane amount he consumes daily.
I really do not want to be at work right now
The Backside Twinky Jib-Jab Rodeo Double 90 Half-Fakey is much easier than the Frontside