This weekend is a weekend of change. Not dramatic change mind you, just itsy bitsy change. Wifey and I have started to paint the living room with eyes on painting the dining room next. It has been over 5 years since the walls have been painted and they have the scuff marks to prove it. Five years ago we moved into our house and prior to any stuff being moved over what-so-ever and prior to us yanking up the carpet to expose the hardwood, we (by “we,” I do mean “I” painted the living room and dining rooms).
The paint we chose was Benjamin Moore. The stuff is a thick paint that costs a bundle per gallon, but it is worth every penny. Every. Penny. It was our first foray into painting with this particular paint, and honestly, it changed our opinion of what is necessary in a paint. The stuff really is amazing. Anyway, we chose to use Benjamin Moore’s Linen White as our wall color. It is only slightly off-white in the tan/brown direction. It looks like an antique white wall. It went well with the kind of honey colored original 1917 woodwork that is present on our 1st floor. All in all a very crisp very nice clean look to our house… 5 years ago.
Since we took the house off the market, Wifey and I have been kind of eager to change some things up. Other than getting a new couch, subsequently finding out that the new couch color is really poor at looking clean, and getting a slip cover for the couch, we have not really done anything to update the look of our downstairs. It is the same downstairs that we moved our stuff into over 5 years ago. It was time. Well, truthfully, past time. We have kind of been on hiatus from decorating changes since we thought we were not going to be in the house for terribly much longer.
Now, Wifey and I are really TV dorks, so whilst everyone else is watching 24, Grey’s Anatomy, Reality TV Show Du Jour, etc… we are watching HGTV (although we will not watch Design Star. That show can rot in Hell for all I care! Rot in Hell Design Star, Rot. In. Hell!.). On one episode of House Hunters (a show where Wifey and I critique the potential homes and home buyers waaaaay more than is healthy), the buyers were looking for a house in Sweden. I mean really, who wouldn’t want to look for a house in Sweden. Well, one of the houses had most of the living spaces done up in (what else) Swedish Blue.
Ooooooh, Swedish Blue. It was gorgeous and the look we are going after. Unfortunately Swedish Blue is way to dark a blue, so we went with Ice Blue, By Benjamin Moore, of course.
There are some limitations to our painting that were not here 5 years ago. Well, by “limitations” I really mean “limitation,” and by “limitation” I do mean “Little Man.” We have to paint during the times that Little Man is not in the downstairs area of the house for long periods of time (3 hours or more). This relegates us to painting after Little Man goes to sleep for the night. Which in turn leads Wifey and I to be up way later than we want to be. But it does lead to some rather nice looking walls, and a new fresh look.
To Recap
Epic poems will be written about my lack of motivation
Painting is much easier with one of those power rollers
Cleaning up is made more difficult with one of those power rollers
This is what the “Before and After” of the house would look like, if this were one of our rooms
The second, and final, coat for the living room goes up tonight
We are going to wait on the dining room until the weekend… I think
20 Questions Tuesday: 8 tomorrow
Not sure what we are having for dinner tonight
No, really, the Elder Eddas won’t hold a candle to the my epic, The Motivation that Never Was
If I had any motivation, I would probably get around to writing it
The paint we chose was Benjamin Moore. The stuff is a thick paint that costs a bundle per gallon, but it is worth every penny. Every. Penny. It was our first foray into painting with this particular paint, and honestly, it changed our opinion of what is necessary in a paint. The stuff really is amazing. Anyway, we chose to use Benjamin Moore’s Linen White as our wall color. It is only slightly off-white in the tan/brown direction. It looks like an antique white wall. It went well with the kind of honey colored original 1917 woodwork that is present on our 1st floor. All in all a very crisp very nice clean look to our house… 5 years ago.
Since we took the house off the market, Wifey and I have been kind of eager to change some things up. Other than getting a new couch, subsequently finding out that the new couch color is really poor at looking clean, and getting a slip cover for the couch, we have not really done anything to update the look of our downstairs. It is the same downstairs that we moved our stuff into over 5 years ago. It was time. Well, truthfully, past time. We have kind of been on hiatus from decorating changes since we thought we were not going to be in the house for terribly much longer.
Now, Wifey and I are really TV dorks, so whilst everyone else is watching 24, Grey’s Anatomy, Reality TV Show Du Jour, etc… we are watching HGTV (although we will not watch Design Star. That show can rot in Hell for all I care! Rot in Hell Design Star, Rot. In. Hell!.). On one episode of House Hunters (a show where Wifey and I critique the potential homes and home buyers waaaaay more than is healthy), the buyers were looking for a house in Sweden. I mean really, who wouldn’t want to look for a house in Sweden. Well, one of the houses had most of the living spaces done up in (what else) Swedish Blue.
Ooooooh, Swedish Blue. It was gorgeous and the look we are going after. Unfortunately Swedish Blue is way to dark a blue, so we went with Ice Blue, By Benjamin Moore, of course.
To Recap
Epic poems will be written about my lack of motivation
Painting is much easier with one of those power rollers
Cleaning up is made more difficult with one of those power rollers
This is what the “Before and After” of the house would look like, if this were one of our rooms
The second, and final, coat for the living room goes up tonight
We are going to wait on the dining room until the weekend… I think
20 Questions Tuesday: 8 tomorrow
Not sure what we are having for dinner tonight
No, really, the Elder Eddas won’t hold a candle to the my epic, The Motivation that Never Was
If I had any motivation, I would probably get around to writing it