Digital Thursday

This is the final installment of the shiny happy Dr Doom. I referenced a whole bunch of palace internal pictures, and it turns out that European palace interiors are kind of boring. I made the trim a stained oak and the walls and ceiling are plaster.

Here is the final progression from the initial pencils/inks from Jason Baroody, to the colors by me.

Overall I am happy with how this one turned out. I am a bit unhappy with how bland the background is for the pic, but not too much of it is visible, so it is not too bad.

To recap:
Q is rather unhappy and not feeling well concerning the innoculations she got yesterday
It was a rough day for the little girl
She is doing better today, but still a bit fevery
Little Man escaped his 5 year shots until after we see his allergist
Then there will be many a shot given
Scissors are under-used tools
So are kneaded rubber erasers
If it weren't for the software issues I am currently experiencing I would not have enough time to post today
I have much yardwork that needs done this weekend
Listening to Cold War Kids (thanks Karen) The Soloist in the Living Room
Have a great weekend everyone