Well, it started with a sick day and then progressed into pure schedule overload. Sorry about the unintended hiatus, but here it goes. This week’s topic is “Sick Day.” I was sick a couple of weeks ago, and needed to take a day off. That day I slept and had some nasty gastro problems. Since then I have been well… well, I have been well enough.
Thanks this week goes to LSig, Ring, Chris Corrigan, and some other guy.
1. Does any part of you enjoy having a sick day, just for the fact that you don't have to go to work?
Depends on the level of sickness. If you are fevered and immobile… no enjoyment at all. However, if it is a gastro issue, like a couple weeks ago? Binge watch House of Cards season 2.
2. Did the advent of teleworking ruin the sick day forever?
Nope, really sick is still really sick whether you can conference call in or not.
3. Do you/did you ever have a sick day routine or traditions?
Nope, it is all about dealing with what presents itself that day.
4. Do your kids try to play sick to get out of school yet? (Mine still like school and have never tried it. Yet.)
Not yet, we are not concerned about that with Little Man, however when Q figures this out, we are going to need to monitor this closely.
5. Is the so-called "mental health day" a valid use of sick time?
Yes, yes it is.
6. Best "sick" day activity?
Ice Cream
7. Call in sick, tell your peeps or make it a "me" day?
If you are sick, let the peeps know. They can avoid you later when you come back in.
8. When you call in do you deserve an academy award for a near death scene?
Nope, I shoot pretty straight with that stuff.
9. Best excuse for calling in sick?
Being sick... not so much an excuse as a reason
10. Worst excuse for calling in sick?
Being sick.
11. Let’s turn this on its head…what is the sickest day you’ve ever had? And by that I mean “holy crap that was incredible, I’m never going to have a cooler day than that!”
Visiting Stonehenge with the wife.
The lovely wife at Stonehenge
A young me at Stonehenge... good lord my wife looks exactly the same... me? not so much
12. Just how sick do you need to be to call off sick at work?
Fairly sick… My latest sick day was because I consumed some gluten… I became a walking biohazard.
13. How many sick days do you have per year?
I think 10 days… but I am not sure.
14. What is the ratio of you taking a sick day to burning a sick day for one of your kids?
1 to 5. 1 "me" sick day for every 5 that I have to take for the kids… that ratio is evening out as the kids become more robust.
15. What is it with co-workers that come in sick even though they have the sick time to take but are waiting for their retirement pay-out instead of using sick time and they get all of their co-workers sick because they hate their spouse and won’t stay a day at home with them even when they are crazily ill and infectious? Seriously Greg, WTF?!?
uh… um… NEXT!
16. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off just doesn’t happen on a sick day when someone is sick, that happens with personal days. Discuss?
If one is truly sick one does not have a Ferris Bueller-like day of debauchery.
17. Are allergic reactions really like getting sick or completely different?
They are different… the resolution typically happens faster with allergic reactions.
18. Is there a difference between a sick day and a sick night?
Sick nights usually end up being caused by the alcohols and the consumption thereof.
19. How many synonyms for sick do you know?
About 7.
20. How much crap did you run into when you got back into work the next day?
Not too much it was a Monday that I was sick, so most people had not recovered from their own weekending.
To Recap:
The sickness was weeks ago
I am really unmotivated at work right now
I have reasons
I will not go into those reasons
I am 3 classes away from a sparkly new degree
It will be shiny
It will occur in June 2015
I need to seriously start the job search now though
Because of the aforementioned unmotivated work reasons right now
This week I am starting up my research project for my degree… I may be leaning on some of you for your participation
You know who you are
Hey, Diamond Club TV now has a Roku channel
I just watched Cordkillers, and now blowing through the DTNS’s that I am behind on
<> woooo!
Going to CincyComicCon next weekend The weekend of Sept 5 through Sept 7
It will be the awesome
Expect much posting about the con