I heard an anecdote this week about someone’s travel. Most likely it was not someone in my life, but rather on a podcast that I was listening to. That makes the most sense since I avoid people at work and listen to about 36 hours of podcasts per week… they are my real friends and co-workers… The voices that talk to me in my ear holes… when I am at work. talking to me, complimenting me, persuading me, telling me what to … oh, wait. Where was I? Oh yes an anecdote involving travel, well that small, unmemorable story about traveling made me think that I should have Travel be the topic for this week’s post. Thanks nameless voice in the crowd of podcasts I consume relentlessly.
Thanks this week go to Lsig, Andrew, Chris Corrigan, Newbold, and the wife for the questions. Without further ado… the questions!
1. What do you miss most about home when you travel?
If I am traveling with the wife and kids, I miss my bed. There is nothing quite like your own bed. If the kids or wife are not with me, it is the kids and/or wife.
2. What has been your favorite trip ever? Why?
For our fifth anniversary, the wife and I went to London for a little less than a week. It was great being in a foreign country with just my wife galavanting around without so much as a care in the world. That being said, we both got ill while we were there and I saw the ugliest baby in the world on the way to get medicine for my wife at the chemist down the street from where we were staying. Such an ugly baby.
Oh, back when we were young and dumb
3. What is your favorite mode of travel?
4. If you won a contest to travel anywhere you wanted to go but only had five minutes to pack, what would you throw in your bag?
Hiking boots, as many layers as possible, and a credit card. We are going to the mountains, and we might need provisions.
5. Work and budget permitting, would you rather take one big vacation per year or multiple smaller trips?
That is an interesting question, and of course, I would want the best of both worlds. One year a handful of smaller trips and the following year something big.
6. There's a theory that time warps depending on the speed that you travel and that gravity warps time as well. So I guess I'm wondering what your thoughts are on time travel.
I am not sure if time travel is really all that possible. I do think that space and gravity warping may be possible.. but time might be a part of reality that we cannot bend to our will.
7. Related to the last question, I know you like superheroes, are there any that you like that use time travel?
Most superheros have been involved in some kind of time travel/pardox thingy, but very few actually manipulate time. That being said, the most mainstream character that travels in time is the Flash, which I think they are supposed to be exploring this season on the TV show.
8. Is that a power you would like to take advantage of?
I am not sure I would… there are too many paradoxes that can happen with time travel. It is like you are not even familiar with the Star Trek or the Back to the Future franchises.
9. Would you use it as a way of taking more vacations? Or is it purely a good vs evil superpower?
I would use it to sleep enough and not worry about deadlines.
10. Oh, and given the less than appealing weather outside today, where would you rather be traveling to today?
I would much rather be in the southern hemisphere at the moment. South Africa is nice this time of year or Australia.
11. What are the top three tips from you to make travel awesome?
- Travel with someone who compliments your style of travel. If you are a planner, be with someone more spontaneous and vice versa.
- Be adventurous while traveling
- Ask locals for suggestions
12. Where have you not yet traveled to that is on your “gonna make it happen” list?
British Columbia
South Africa
New Zealand
those are all off the top of my head… there are more, I love going to new places
13. What about this: Travel or no?
Yup, that is traveling.
14. What’s the farthest you have traveled from home?
Hamburg, Germany
15. If train "a" leaves boston at 2 o'clock going 65 mph, and train "b" leaves washington dc at 1 o'clock going 80 mph, how long will it take both trains to become obsolete because everyone has cars?
Trains are crazy efficient at moving people goods and services, it will be a long long time before they are rendered completely obsolete.
16. They say flying is the safest form of travel. With the coming of driverless, safer cars will we ever reach a point where car accidents are so infrequent they make news like airplane accidents?
Nope, the sheer volume of car traffic tends to make that not a reality. Even if the number of car wreck frequency approaches the number of airplane crash frequency, the sheer volume and magnitude of the car wreck absolute numbers would dwarf airplane issues by multiple orders of magnitude.
17. Some animals travel in packs. What animal that doesn’t travel in packs would be a lot cooler if it did?
Honey Badgers. Bam. drop the mic!
18. If you could travel in time to any place and time where/when would you go?
I would love to go back to my kids’ births again and experience them without the stress and anxiety that were present for both events. I am going to get soooo lucky tonight.
19. What are the best and worst parts of your wife traveling?
I would say that the best are all the great people that she has met and brought into our lives. She truly works with some of the most amazing people. And the worst is that it is very difficult being a single parent, even temporarily. My Mother-In-Law helps a ton, so that makes it more reasonable.
20. What clothing do you like to travel in?
Cargo shorts, a t-shirt and a long-sleeve shirt over that. Layers layers layers
To recap:
I might be on one of NPR’s national broadcasts tomorrow or Thursday
So that is interesting
I’m going to be a star
Or something like that
One of the kids is ill today, and will be ill tomorrow as well.
I think the other one is sliding that direction
I have some sick time saved up though
So that is good
I have been crazy hungry lately
Not sure what that is about
I have some homework I need to get to
So, everyone remember that one time I asked April Richardson 20 Questions?
Yeah, that was a good one
Well, she is going to be in Columbus April 24th
That’s just plain awesome
Have a great weekend everyone