I am still in the thick of NaNoWriMo so I have books on the brain. So this week I am answering questions about “Books.” Let’s get to it!
Thanks this week go to LSig (Happy Birthday, Ladycakes), Chris Ring, Julie S, the Wife, and some other guy.
Onto the Questions:
1. Physical books or eBooks?
They both have their places. Nothing really takes the place of a physical book in your hands for enjoyment, but for industry texts and instructional books with a search function, ebooks win hands down.
2. If you were stranded on an island for a year, which books would you want to take with you?
A book on primitive ship building, one on ancient navigation techniques, and the “Idiot’s Guide to Island Survival.”
3. Which childhood favorite do you still enjoy? Which have you revisited and discovered did not hold up?
I still enjoy “Lord of the Flies” and the finished works of Tolkien (The unfinished stuff his kid put out are crap). I tried to re-read a few books by David Eddings and Raymond Feist recently, and those books are meant for 15 year olds, not 40 year olds.
4. Have you read War and Peace? (I'm mostly asking this question to brag about having read War and Peace this summer.)
I have never read “War and Peace.” It holds no interest to me whatsoever.
5. Do you have a favorite book? A favorite author?
Right now it is “The Name of the Wind” by Patrick Rothfuss. His language work is just amazing.
6. Favorite place to Read?
In bed. It’s like this question is a goddamn fortune cookie
7. Do you have a library card?
Yep, although I do not like using it that much. I cannot stand the sound that the clear cellophane dust jackets make. It makes my skin crawl.
8. Best book adaptation to film?
Hmmm… That is a very interesting question. I Think I will go with “Jurassic Park”
9. Worst book adaptation to film?
I am sure it is a movie I have not seen of a book I have not read
10. What's you favorite book from a non-white author?
Hmmm… this is an interesting question because I know I have read some non-white authors, but none are coming to mind right now. I'm not racist. One of my best friends is a book written by a non-white author.
11. What's your favorite book from a female author?
Ummm… Another interesting question. Most of the female authors I have read recently were for book concerning elements of user experience design. As far as a book by a female author that I have enjoyed in a fiction genre? I read this great female authored book that lives in Canada. You don't know her.
12. What's your favorite book from a non-white female author?
Now you are just trolling me.
13. What is the worst book your kids make you read?
Tootle the annoying fucking train
14. When does something written become a book? How many pages feels booklike to you?
Things start being booklike around 150 pages or so. That's kind of a “The Great Gatsby” length, and most people consider that a novel.
15. What is the last book you read?
For edumacational purposes, “How to Make Sense of Any Mess” by Abby Covert and for funsies, “The Name if the Devil” by Andrew Mayne.
16. What form factor did that book take? Was it paper or ebook?
Both were ebooks
17. Are you reading any books right now?
Yep. “Star Wars Aftermath” by Chuck Wendig… It is a hardback booky book
18. What’s the worst literature book you had to read for school?
It is a close tie between “Ethan Frome” and “Wuthering Heights.” Those two books blow.
19. Who is the most avid reader in your family?
My amazing wife. She always has multiple books to read.
20. Do your kids like to read?
They are pretty interested in it. They aren't crazy into reading, but they do enjoy it.
To recap:
Still on target with my NaNoWriMo this year…
10 days in and will be at 16667 words by the end of the night
Starting to find an appropriate voice and style
This has been a great exercise
I am looking forward to tightening it up and making something good from it
Unexpectedly the Columbus Crew is still in the playoffs for the MLS
Let’s go Crew
Little Man is really starting to enjoy his swimming
We want him to enjoy that
The great switch school experiment for Our Girl Q seems to be doing better
I finally have some interviews going again
Have a great week everyone