This week, my lovely wife wrote a piece about being a working and traveling mom. It is a very well thought out article and it explains some of the difficulties of being a traveling parent from her particular perspective. She was gone the week before in gorgeous Newark, New Jersey and then immediately had to go to Burlington, Vermont. Bottom line: my wife is awesome, and all of you should be jealous that I get to be in a deepfulfilling relationship with her. Deep and fulfilling!
This week, I suggested the topic to be travel because well, that’s what her job has her do. Thanks this week goes to Andrew Miller, PFMdesigner, LSig, Nadolny, and Ring. Onto the questions.
1. What's your favorite mode of transportation when you're traveling and why?
I love me some airplane travel.
2. How has travel changed for you as the kids have grown (relatively) older?
We don’t have to take as much crap. Now we pack a couple of screens and the kids are fine.
3. Why do you think people are attracted to (or repelled by) traveling?
Going to new places is both fun and scary.
4. Where was the worst bathroom you've ever been forced to use or other hilarious anecdote about the call of nature when traveling?
Ugly bathroom in a rural Alabama gas station in the 1980's… ugh...
5. Will you buy me a plane ticket to Ireland?
6. If you could tour any location (past, present, future, real, fictitious), where would you go?
I would love to go to Ireland… preferably without you
7. If you had to go to that location with me, would you select a different place?
Nope, probably not, but you would need to be quiet like a church mouse and willing to carry my luggage.
8. Will you please buy me a plane ticket to Ireland?
Nope… still. Are you 5? You cannot keep asking the same question expecting a different answer.
9. Do you happen to have read any interesting and insightful blog posts about travel lately?
Yes, yes I have. Funny you should mention that.
10. What's your favorite part of the traveling process?
The part where I get there. I am nervous all the way up to arriving at the destination.
11. Do you enjoy work travel or do you dread it? (Or somewhere in between?)
I do not mind work travel, but I don’t travel for work much.
12. Why don't NBA refs call traveling more often? It's sooo common in the paint.
The NBA is rigged… that’s why
13. If I'm to believe Ricky Nelson, "Traveling Man" is a euphemism for a serial philanderer. True or False?
My bet is he would (and probably does) have multiple girlfriends in his home city, but that doesn’t sound as good as a song. Let’s make up some local lyrics
I’ve got a honey on High Street, a skirt on 1st Avenue, a desperate housewife in the suburbs, a broad on Broad Street, A sweerheart on Cedar, A partner on Park Place, A flame on 4th…
14. How many States have you visited and how many countries?
Maybe around 37 states, and 10 countries.
15. Favorite family trip?
Last year’s trip to the Redwoods. So good.
16. Trip you and wifey will take once the kiddos are gone?
I think maybe New Zealand. We could get our Hobbit on
17. Any travel in the future with the new job?
Not that I know of, but maybe a little.
18. Farthest point you traveled to?
Munich, Germany.
19. Buy a new book to travel?
Sometimes... but sometimes I just want to draw
20. GPS or Who needs directions?
I can swing either way. I have been known to read a map or 2, but I do love me some turn by turn.
To recap:
This new job still has that new job smell
My time being able to play the “I’m new here, talk to me like I am 5” will be coming to an end in a few weeks
They do not seem to want to extend that much beyond a month
Even though I am hearing from 7 year veterans of the company that they don’t understand what’s going on
A little over a month to get my bearings completely
Pups did not sleep well last night
That means that I did not sleep well last night
I think I need a shower as well (editor's note: Shower has been taken)
We go on vacation at the end of the month
That will be here before I know it
The wife got home tonight
And that is awesome
Have a great week everyone