20 Questions Tuesday on a Wednesday?!?! You bet your sweet bippy there is! I have been a little under the weather and didn’t really feel up to it yesterday. So deal, kay?
This week the wife is out of town in sunny White Horse, Yukon Territory, Canada. Yep, her work has taken her to the Yukon Territory in February. She can pick locations. Did I mention that she also does work in Arizona in July? Well, she does. Timing is everything… Anyway… she is away working in the YT and that made me choose the topic of “Yukon.”
Thanks this week go to Lsig, Dr JHP, The lovely wife, Tonya, Aunt Linda, Grapes, Steev, Bruce, and some other guy. Let’s get to these questions.
1. Is Yukon Cornelius a fair representation of the native population or a demeaning stereotype?
I think he is neither… I was not aware that he was representing any native Inuit population… I just thought he was just representing a caricature of a prospector.
2. Yukon Gold potatoes, are any of them actually grown there in the Yukon?
Not that I am aware of. They are a northern potato, but I don’t think they are grown in the YT.
3. Yukon Gold or the '49er gold rush, which was a better shot at striking it rich?
They both had terrible bajillionaire rates. I would say there was a better chance of surviving the 49er Rush than the Yukon one just because of climate. Bunches of people died just getting to the Yukon, much less staying there for the prospecting.
4. Isn't it awfully cold up there this time of year?
It is indeed.
5. Have you ever been to the Yukon?
6. Do you want to go to the Yukon?
7. What advice did your wife before she left?
Layer up? I don’t remember. Knowing me though, it was probably something about finding the biggest person and wearing their skin like a suit.
8. Are there any black people in the Yukon?
Not many if any.
9. What's the farthest north you've been?
Edinburgh, Scotland
10. What do you feel about Yukon Gold potatoes?
I don’t like them very much, but they are better than redskin potatoes. Those suck and you know it.
11. Does your wife understand the “Cremation of Sam Magee” better now that she has been to the "cold?"
I am pretty sure she is not really aware of the poem that is set on the marge of the Lake Labarge.
12. Why did Yukon Cornelius have such an array of sled dogs?
He was a collector of misfit dogsled dogs.
13. The Yukon is a great place for viewing the beauty of the Aurora Borealis but most people don’t know that it also actually makes a hissing noise. Another thing that makes hissing noises are cockroaches but those are found in Madagascar. You cannot see the Aurora Borealis in Madagascar but you can see a species of periwinkle that is used to treat cancer. According to the Alaska Bureau of Vital Statistics, the leading cause of death in the Yukon territory is cancer. There are 1,112 species of plants in the Yukon that represent 80 families of vascular plants but none of them are cancer treating periwinkles. That being said, what is the name of the body of water on the Yukon’s northern coast?
Oooh, a geography question.... eventually. Beaufort Sea…. also known as “Ice.”
14. Other than tinsel and/or ornaments, do you think Yukon Cornelius ever found any silver or gold?
Nope, he was insane.
15. What would you do-oo-oo for a Klondike Bar?
Not much. It is not even an ice cream sandwich. It is merely some ice cream with a thin chocolate shell. If it had caramel, I would punch a bunny.
16. So, is Blaque Jacques Shallacque the best Bugs Bunny foil ever?
Yes, yes he is. Significantly the best one-shot bad guy ever.
17. Is the GMC Yukon still being made, even with it’s crappy mpg?
It is, indeed. It is big an SUV-ey for when there is a light mist and you need to traverse a 1% grade.
18. Do you think there will ever be a GMC Yukon with an alternative fuel source to take care of that crappy mpg?
Nope. That vehicle name dies when fossil fuel combustion engines are no longer being used. Hopefully it will then be called the GMC Nunavut.
19. So will UConn be good at basketball this year?
Most likely. They typically are.
20. What percentage of the total population of the Yukon Territory is White Horse?
Around 75%.
To recap:
I am sick, and I am tired
Have a great week.