Last week was a busy one… so, I gave myself permission ot to post a, well, er, ummm, a post. I am quite the wordsmith.
Anyway… this week, I just asked ChatGPT to come up with 20 random questions after having it scan through the site to get an idea of what kinds of questions I typically answer and how I typically answer them. Sooo… let’s see how this goes.
Here come the random ChatGPT questions (these are unaltered except for formatting and removing the asides at the end of the questions where ChatGPT gives me the reasoning for each question (yes, an aside, like a stage whisper)):
1. What if every time you made a decision, you created an alternate reality with a different outcome? How would you keep track of them?
This is a whole multiversal theory. With every decision there is a universal bifurcation. Such that there are an infinite amount of universes that are shifting with infinite decisions. This is also a very egotistical view of how things work. The amount of universal bifurcation would be limitless and at the highest order of infinity because it would not just be the decisions I made, but the decisions everyone else makes, every animal makes, ever insect makes, and every plant makes. That is an infinity of infinity or infinity of infinities. As to how one could keep track of them, one cannot. Infinity is infinite and unknowable.
2. Is there a song that always makes you feel nostalgic? What memories does it bring back?
Not sure if I have a nostalgia song. Smells typically cause the nostalgia to hit. That being said, The Belle Stars version of Iko Iko from the Rain Man soundtrack reminds me of reading a very particular book as a kid in in my childhood bedroom. I listened to that Cassingle (cassette single for you non-Gen-X-ers out there) on auto-reverse while reading for hours. I’m pretty sure the Hans Zimmer end credits would wash over me all the same.
3. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and what question would you ask them first?
Hmmmm… I think I would want to have dinner with Thomas Jefferson, and I would ask him why he was such a racist fuckboi.
4. How do you think the world would change if everyone had to speak in rhyme for a day?
I think there would be an increase in annoyance at 85.75% or more. I was going to try to do a Shakespearean rhyming couplet at the end of this question,but that was too difficult for my brain.
5. What’s one thing you believed as a child that you no longer think is true?
There are many things. The biggest is my general superiority to everyone.
6. If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and why?
I think I would love to be able to draw the way my brain wants it to draw.pretty good at drawing, but not as good as my brain wants it to be.
Drawing of Dr Manhattan from the Watchmen, pencils, inks, and markers on a 3x5 notecard
For example, this drawing that I finished today is good (it might even be better than just good), but it is not what I had pictured in my think melon.
7. What are three items you always have with you, and what do they say about you?
Wallet, keys, and phone.
8. If you could witness any event in history firsthand, which would you choose and why?
That is an interesting question. As an unobserved watcher? I think I would love to see the first time man made fire without an outside catalyst. The fear and excitement of creating flame. As to why? It is quite possibly one of the most exciting things ever.
AI generated image of a woman making fire.
Here is an image made with Microsoft’s Image Creator with this prompt. “it in a rugged, prehistoric landscape, the sky is painted in soft twilight hues, a strong determined Stone Age woman Is in the process of making fire for the first time ever. Her brow furrowed in concentration. In the background, a small group of stone age people are watching with bated breath, their faces a mix of awe and anticipation. “
I tried using OpenAIArt and it kept making the stone age woman topless… now I like boobies as much as the next guy, but this isn’t the forum for boobies. Get it together OpenAi Art.
Notice the stone age person is fairly white looking… ugh inherent racism… the Way Thomas Jefferson liked it.
9. Do you think dreams can be a source of inspiration or insight?
The answer is “yes.” Sometimes they can inspire, and sometimes they can distract from useful endeavors.
10. What’s your most irrational fear, and how do you cope with it?
All of my fears are completely and wholly rational, and I will suffer no other notions.
11. If you could redesign any aspect of the human body, what would it be and why?
Additional vision wavelengths. Infra Red, Ultra Violet, etc…
12. In what ways do you think technology has improved human connections, and in what ways has it harmed them?
In the same way, actually. Technology connects, which makes things better, but it overwhelms with the connections which is detrimental.
13. What’s a tradition from your culture or family that you cherish the most?
I love the family traditions that fundamentally revolve around food.
14. How do you define success, and has your definition changed over time?
Success can be measured in many different ways. I think the ultimate success is measured in overall happiness. This idea of happiness evolves over time.
15. If animals could talk, which species do you think would be the wisest and why?
Whales… but we would never get into real conversations with them since they live in a biome that we do not. I think the why is due to them just looking wise. Looks matter, I guess.
16. What’s the most memorable compliment you’ve ever received, and why did it stand out to you?
I have been told by some that I am kind. Being kind is an awesome compliment.
17. If you could spend a year in any country other than your own, where would you go and what would you do?
I am truly getting fascinated by Greenland right now. The biggest “city” there has a population of just over 3,000 people. My daughter’s High School has over half that number in the student population.
18. What’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to try but never have? What’s holding you back?
As stated in the post about me turning 50, I would like to get my outer nerd/geek on and start painting gaming minis.
19. How do you think your childhood personality compares to who you are today?
Pretty close, I did work hard to get rid of the unbridled and outrageous arrogance. I think I have a much better idea of where my strengths and weaknesses lie now.
20. If you could create a new holiday, what would it celebrate and how would people observe it?
Hmmm… International Nap Day… July 9th. Take a nap people.
To recap:
Hmmm… That wasn’t too bad
Last week was my 2nd anniversary
We celebrated with Mexican food and ice cream]
It was glorious
It feels like we have been married forever, and it feels like it was just yesterday
I think that is how it is supposed to be
The contract job is going well enough
I have some tasks that I need to get done by thursday to stay on time and under budget
Olympics are coming up soon
I love me some ‘Lympics!
Especially in the age of streaming
I will get to see some fencing
Psst… hey, wanna buy a watch?
Different kind of fencing, actually
Much faster paced than the street sakes and pawn shop type of fencing
And with 4k streaming on a good tv, I think I will be able to actually see what is happening
Should pawn shops actually refer to themselves as “Pawn Shoppes” to give them an air of significance?
I am 50 now and need to get my butt moving
Would love to get back up to running a bit for my shit knees and broken feet
It felt good to finish a drawing
Thanks, work-conference-calls! it has been a while
Take a nap, people
The world would be a better place with more naps
Medium and Substack for those of you who do that sort of thing
Have a great week, everyone!