Digital Thursday

Digital Thursday, it is nice to see you again.

Today’s installment of Digital Thursday comes at you in 2 parts.

Part the first.
The cartoon “The Challenge of the Super Friends” and its subsequent versions was a staple of my childhood. Saturday morning just would not be the same without watching Superman, Batman, and Robin thwarting Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom. It was one of the cartoons that got me interested in comic books and therefore into drawing. Thanks Super Friends! Bok! Bok! Anyway… there were all these DC marquee players on the show and then a cast of second and third tier schmoes. Sure the second raters sometimes had better powers than the primary cast, but that is beside the point (I’m looking at you cartoon version of Aquaman!).

Even as a kid some of what should have been the supporting cast got too much air time. The stupid bumbling kids in the first season, and the Wonder Twins in later seasons. How is it that Superman and Wonder Woman couldn’t defeat the Legion of Doom but 2 twelve year old kids with homemade costumes and a talking dog, or a bucket of water, a wooly mammoth, and a semi-understandable monkey could? I guess somethings are better left unknown.

Anyway… just above the kid centric main characters who were invented for the show were the second tier heroes of the Super Friends. These were characters created just for the cartoon to give the heroic cast more of a United Colors of Benetton feel. Hanna Barbera (The animation company) decided that there needed to be more color in the cast and added Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, El Dorado, and Samurai, because stereotypes are something to strive for. Anyway, between the jive and broken English, these heroes somehow assisted the heavy hitters in their quest to do good.

I have already shown you my version of Apache Chief, today I shall give you Black Vulcan!

Nice pants!

Part the Second:
B over at e-lah posted up this meme. Now, I typically don’t get all memelicious, but this one is kind of fun. So without further ado, the meme:

The Visionary Album Cover Meme

1. Go here, and take the title of the article that comes up as your band name.

2. Go here, and take the last four words of the last quotation as your album name. (Fell free to refresh the page a few times before you get four words that make sense. Others have fudged on the number four.)

3. Finally, go here to this randomized assortment of nifty photos, and take the upper-right-hand photo as your cover photo. Bonus points for squaring the image to make it look more albumish.

Here is mine.

I went with 5 words in the quote instead of 4 since it needed the first word to make a real phrase.

I look forward to seeing Dustin’s

To Recap:
Today is Wifey’s last day at work
Now I expect her to be barefoot and in the kitchen
The pregnant part is taken care of
We are having the delivery of the appliances postponed til Monday
The cabinetry gets here tomorrow
The countertops are already here
The kitchen is about to get much much cooler
I think my hands need moisturizer… but I am a guy
So that ain't happening
El Dorado is the next up in my colllection of culturally innappropriate Super Friends
Have a great weekend everyone

Meme is the Word

Uh…yeah…so…SRH won’t be joining you for his regularly scheduled posting today as we’ve decided to switch blogs for a minute. Both of us were tagged with the “8 Random Facts” meme (by Riley), and we decided to make it more interesting by supplying each other’s random facts.

So without further ado:

8 Random Facts About SRH

Fact 1: SRH is an Eagle Scout.

Yep, I mean the squeaky clean, loves God and his country, faithful to his wife, hates it when the flag is hung incorrectly kind of Eagle Scout. Which is completely at odds with his personality, really.

I mean he’s faithful and gets a bit honked off about the flag thing, but he’s actually quite liberal and hasn’t said the Pledge of Allegiance at any point in our marriage. On the other hand, he does do what’s expected of him and both his dad and his brother were Eagle Scouts, so an Eagle Scout he became.

Fact 2: SRH has never smoked pot.

In keeping with the Eagle Scout phenomena, SRH has never done any illicit drugs. None. Never. Not even the wacky tobacky, Mary Jane, the plant otherwise known as Ganja.

He says he’s never felt like it.


Fact 3: SRH wanted to be a comic book artist.

This was not the typical fantasy of a geeky, pimply, 13 year-old, either. SRH has real drawing talent and actually went to college as a studio art major. Of course, he changed to being a math major his junior year, and we’re planning to sell all his old comic books on e-bay, but it was a dream once…

Fact 4: SRH hates strawberry ice cream.

This isn’t really all that remarkable, however, it’s amazing that I didn’t know this fact about my husband for almost 9 years of marriage.

I just never knew. He never mentioned it. He simply failed to tell me this important facet of his culinary preferences. Apparently, it wasn’t “important enough” to mention.

We’re still getting over this one.

Fact 5: If it’s on TV, SRH will watch it.

The man has no self-control or discrimination when it comes to television.

Fact 6: SRH had braces for 8 years.

I know. Do you remember when people wore braces forever? Well, SRH was one of those kids. He started with head gear during third grade and was finally done with the torture devices in his junior year.

He says he wouldn’t have dated me in high school because I was a cheerleader. Let’s be clear. There would have been no dating. That’s true.

Fact 7: SRH hates to get his hands dirty.

And I don’t mean he doesn’t like to work hard (he doesn’t), I mean that he literally hates to get his hands dirty. He gets a distressed look on his face and makes a high squeaking noise whenever it happens. And he holds his hands out from his body until he can get to a place to wash them.

Apparently, this is where Little Man gets his “tactile issues.”

Fact 8: SRH has serious adoration for dioramas.

It’s the strangest thing, really. I don’t get it, and I don’t have any reasonable explanation. When at a museum, SRH heads straight for the dioramas. He’s fascinated by them. It’s a very strange facet of his personality – one of several strange facets actually.

So, there are the eight random facts. I hope you learned something about SRH that you didn’t know before. The man is a riddle wrapped in an enigma inside a puzzle…or however that saying goes.

So, now I’m supposed to list the rules and tag eight people. But since I don’t remember the rules, and I can’t really think of eight people I like, I’m going to skip that portion.

Feel free to grill SRH about any of these random facts in the comments.

The Meme to Come

So Wifey and I have been tagged with the nearly universal "8 things" meme that is going around the Internet like influenza during WWI. We decided that we were going to attack it from a different angle and post for each other in our respective blogs. So, later today/tonight Wifey (aka ZanyMama) will be posting 8 things people don't know about me and I will be doing the same on her blog. We are planning on writing these at the smae time and posting them simultaneously so as not to bias each other.

I have a baaad feeling about this...

To recap:
Wifey will be posting here sometime tonight
I am scared
I am very scared
No really
I always mistype "scared" as "sacred"
That will change the meaning of a sentence and make me look rather full of myself
Weekend was great
Especially after Wifey got home
Tomorrow's 20 Questions Tuesday will be all about the 4th of July
That flutter you just felt? That was a flutter of excitement and anticipation
Or, it could also be that you have been eating waaay too much grease and you heart is starting to fail
One of the two

Number 5 is Alive

I usually do not participate in the whole meme thing. Occasionally I will go in search of a good questionnaire to answer, but I do not really respond to memes. Typically memes are long, laborious, and take too much effort to copy, paste, and clean. This meme is a fairly easy one as far as the format is concerned and allows for more of a free-flowing writing experience than most of the other ones I have seen.

I will do this meme, Dustin, but not because you tagged me for it, but because I feel like it.

Top Five Nouns I want to Fight!

Well, the first 2 easy answers would be Hippos and Yetis. So lets consider them to be given, much like the “R,” “S,” “T,” “L,” “N” and “E” are given to Wheel of Fortune contestants now in the bonus round. So without further ado

Top Five Nouns I want to Fight, Excepting Hippos and Yetis

1. Packet: Not necessarily the actual physical object, but the spoken word “packet.” I HATE that word. It is just a bad combination of letters. Use the words file, package, or something even more specific like folder or envelope. The word “packet” is an abomination and should never be used in polite company.

2. Bug-Bite: I want to collectively beat the ever living snot out of bug-bites. Sweet Jesus and Mary Jane I hate bug-bites. Right now Little Man has 4 gigantic bug-bites on his right hip and leg, and I hate them for that. If I saw a bug-bite in a dark alley, I would give it what it had coming to it. I haven’t been watching Kung-Fu movies since I was a kid to sit idly by while a bug-bite sits undisturbed in a dark alley. Oh, No. If there were a bug-bite in a dark alley, even if it were minding its own business, I would jump that bustard and give it a beat down… Old School!

That, and I have a bug-bite on my ass right now, and it is not that comfortable. You might have won this round, Bug-Bite, but I will have my revenge…

3. Paradise:
We all know that you don’t exist, so why don’t you let me remove you from our list of nouns. Paradise is simply a made up construct of a fictitious place that cannot exist. There is no such thing as a true paradise, so I think we should give the noun “paradise” the beating of its life to commemorate all of our dead dreams about “paradise.” Jerk, out there giving false hopes to everyone. Nobody wants you around here anymore. You don’t and can’t exist, so… “You better move your feet, If you don’t want to eat a meal they call Fist City.” 10 points to anyone who knows this reference without googling it, Wifey is excluded from this contest.

4. People: People suck. I mean it, they really really suck. The very concept of people annoys me. If I ever catch some people in a dark alley, oh, they sooo gonna get it. And not a good “it” either. I mean a bad “it.” The baddest of the bad “it”’s. Sweet mother of God and all that is Holy, if those people happen to have bug-bites, then it ain’t gonna be pretty.

5. The People who Green-Light crappy movies: Not only are they people (see above) they are also people doing their best to actively annoy the piss out of me. Fast and the Furious 2, 2 Fast, 2 Furious? What in Beelzebub’s beard made you think it was a good idea to give this movie a go? Arena? Arena? Why did you make someone waste film on this? Friday the 13th’s 2 through whatever number we are at now. Sweet Baby Jesus, what in God’s name made you think these were good ideas? Kung Pow: Enter the Fist, you bastards made kittens cry because of this movie. Cruel Intentions!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot!?!?!?!!?!?!? I will so beat the ever living snot of you for those. You guys owe me, and you owe me in blood now. Money will not hack it anymore, I require a limb with which to beat you…

To Recap:
Memes, go figure
I am not tagging anyone, but if my 5 loyal readers would like to take this on, let me know in comments
Please feel free to comment on your least favorite movies
We have another open house this Sunday
Right in the middle of the World Cup Final
I am hungry
Stupid frozen lunches
Hippos and Yetis are really on the top of my list though…